Super 3D Printer

Tera Sinube's Lightsaber | No Paint Required | 3D Printed | Galaxy's Edge | Clone Wars | Lightsaber Display Mount on Desk or Wall


Exclusively offered here only by CaseStudyno8!

Tera Sinube's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of the Cosian Jedi Master Tera Sinube, which was a cane lightsaber—a specialized device that was also a walking stick—due to his advanced age. Designed to be as much of a weapon as a reinforcement for his gnarled frame, Sinube only exposed the duplicity of his stick when armed combat was the necessary course of action. -Wookiepedia

This saber can stand in the cane formation or can be removed in the lightsaber form.

Completely assembled this sabercane is 36" tall. The saber itself is 16" tall and 8" wide. Due to this being a very odd (and extremely cool!) saber, it cannot be shipped in its completed form. Shipping something this oddly shaped is too expensive. So, this will only be offered in its unassembled form. Thankfully, it's a very easy build as the instructions are straight forward and require very little glue (gorilla glue gel is the best for me). Some parts are a bit tight, but can be hammed in place (I recommend a rubber mallet just to be careful, but any hammer will work). Keep this in mind before ordering.

This saber will come in colored pieces. It is 3D printed, so it won't look perfect. Each piece is to be printed and glued separately in red, brown and silver.

This item is intended to be used as a display item. Using it for cosplay, role play or just swinging it around could break the item. I'm not responsible for the item breaking if you aren't just going to hold it gently and place it on a shelf.

This is a 3D printed product, so there may be minor defects (rough edges, bumps, etc). It is all made of Biodegradeable Plastic. I have spent a lot of time calibrating my printers and I use the best printer and settings for the desired effect on each model. I use only the highest quality filament to ensure good quality and durability.

I have printed everything in my shop and tested before posting to my store so that I can ensure that I maintain the quality that I expect. If the quality is not to my liking I will not ship it.

I reserve the right to make minor updates to this item's design. So long as it does not radically change the intention of the product's use, your received item may look slightly different than in pictures. Color also may appear slightly different in pictures than the received item.

Please note, this is not affiliated with Star Wars in any way.

Designed and sold with permission exclusively from Brad Harris, CaseStudyno8

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